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Available Apps for Education

Personally, I think that almost all adults including teens have smartphones nowadays. Smartphones becomes the best friend anybody๐Ÿ˜„ When we wake up from sleep, we'll look for our phones either to check the message inbox or just to switch off the alarm! isn't it? Imagine we lost our phone for just 24 hours, our life might be miserable๐Ÿ˜ That's how close are we to our smartphones. Due to this condition, many  sectors are making use of smartphones which benefits the development in their fields.  

Same goes to education sector, many educators nowadays have started integrate smartphones into teaching and learning. I would like to introduce here a few apps/software  that we can use with smartphone or computer . I got to know all theses through a sharing session among my course mates in UPSI. The first category is video editing software that are Edpuzzle and Playposit. Apart from video editing, both serve us free resources for teaching and learning. Then, we have Stoodle which offers free online textbook and questions bank. In this blog, I did introduce in this blog a video-chat tool  that is called Flipgrid which benefits students in communicating with peers and teachers outside classroom. Recap is another apps that has the same function as Flipgrid. The students' behavior can also be observed and improved by an app called Classdojo.

I believe that most teachers are familiar with Quizziz and know how it works. It basically a platform for teachers' assessments towards students. It is very interesting and able to improve students' engagement in classroom. The other similar pattern apps as Quizziz are  
PolleverywhereQuiznetic and Quizlet. I have applied Quizlet to my students and they enjoyed the lesson. The students were so excited using the Quizlet and the content were successfully delivered through this method. 
Quizlet in Classroom

Quizlet Live in classroom 
Facebook is one of the famous social networks apart from twitter and Instagram. People use facebook to interact with other people, to share information by personal account and facebook pages. In education, Edmodo is an application that play quite similar function as facebook but limited to only teaching and learning stuffs. Teachers may connect with other teachers worldwide by 'hashtagging' on the issue they would like to search for. Apart from that, teachers may also connect to their students for the purpose of giving assignments and discuss the content. I've signed up for Edmodo about 5 years ago,  I did connect with some of my colleagues but never connected to any students. THis is because majority of my students at that time did not have smartphones and easy access to internet. I would like to reuse Edmodo for this new batch and wish me luck! Hope the mission will be accomplished!๐Ÿ‘Š๐Ÿ‘Š

My Edmodo account
Honestly there are a few from those apps are not yet explored. Please find it yourself if you would like to know more.๐Ÿ˜€
Ummi Atiah Mohamad
Med Physics

                                                 ~ May it Benefits You ➽๐Ÿ’•


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