In my 2nd previous post of this blog, I have explained about TBL for Compare and Contrast Template. By referring to the syllabus of Physics subject for either the high school or the matriculation, there are quite a lot of concepts that we can do for Compare and Contrast for example,reflection and reflection, transverse and longitudinal wave, series and parallel circuit and many more. In my opinion, this is among the thinking template that we can simply practice with my students. In my last Friday's class with Dr Nurulhuda, we once again gone through TBL but this time we explored another thinking template that is for Decision Making . If we refer the thinking skills in KBKK that I've shown in my previous TBL post , decision making is among the 3 highest thinking skills apart form conceptualizing and problem solving. It means that this thinking skill is not that simple to be implemented. In real life, we are actually used to make decision in whatever we do especially when ...