Mechanical Waves
Mechanical waves is the waves that require a medium in order to transport their energy from one location to another. The medium could be air/ solid/liquid.
When we talk about waves, we'll actually discuss on 2 things. The first one is the wave itself, and the second one is the particles that move/vibrate because of the existence of the wave. The equation of wave is represented by
y (x,t) = A sin (wt ± kx)
and if you could recall Simple Harmonic Motion, its equation is
x (t) = A sin (wt )
where both are having the same pattern of equation, however there is an additional term in wave equation that is ± kx. So for your information, + kx is telling us that the wave propagates to the right while -kx is for the leftward wave motion . w is the angular velocity of the vibrating particle.
Particle vibration in SHM |
Particle vibration & Wave propagation |
As you can see in both figures above, there are particles vibrating up and down that is represented by y. y is representing the displacement of particle (both SHM & Waves). We can conclude here that when waves propagate, at the same time there will be a particle's vibration. Particle here is actually the molecules of the water for example.
Thank you,
Mdm Ummi Atiah KMPk
~ May it Benefits You ➽π
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