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Showing posts from August, 2018

Heat Conduction

Heat Conduction From the  wordweb dictionary, the word ‘conduct’ means guide, lead, impart. So here, we will be talking about how the heat is conducted. Heat conduction only occurs when there is a difference in temperature at two parts of a body or between 2 or more bodies. It is a process of energy transfer between the atoms/molecules in the body.   You may also relate this concept with the term ‘conductor’ that we’ve always used to it. Particles vibration in hot and cold region The process of heat conduction is all about the particles (atoms /molecules) movement . I n a hot substance,  the particles move faster   as they have more energy compared to the particles in a cooler substance. The more energetic particles transfer their energy to the slower neighboring particles. This transfer of energy  is heat conduction. This phenomenon can bee seen from the figure above. The heat transfer has its own rate (how fast it is transferred), dQ...

Mechanical Waves VS Simple Harmonic Motion

Mechanical Waves  Mechanical waves is the waves that require a medium in order to transport their energy from one location to another. The medium could be air/ solid/liquid. When we talk about waves, we'll actually discuss on 2 things. The first one is the wave itself, and the second one is the particles that move/vibrate because of the existence of the wave. The equation of wave is represented by    y  ( x , t ) =  A  sin ( w t   ±   kx ) and if you could recall Simple Harmonic Motion, its equation is     x  ( t ) =  A  sin ( w t   ) where both are having the same pattern of equation, however there is an additional term in wave equation that is  ±   kx.  So for your information,  +   kx   is telling us that the wave propagates to the right while  - kx i s for the leftward wave motion    .   w  is the angular velocity of the vi...

Simple Harmonic Motion (SHM)

Simple Harmonic Motion Simple harmonic motion (SHM) is a special motion that is periodic motion. The word 'Motion' refers to an oscillation, back & forth motion, right and left, up and down, provided the motion is repeating. Periodic motion means all oscillations are having the same period.  Even as the oscillation dies away, its period, T stays the same. Period here means the time taken for  one oscillation. As long as the period is constant, we can still call it SHM. SHM is a special type of motion as it obeys the 'time keeping' as explained above. In our real world, all oscillations  will be damped (by friction/energy lost) and as the period can't anymore be kept, it is no more SHM. Typical Example of SHM: 1) Swinging Pendulum                                               2) Spring-attached-box           ...